Assessing and reporting in the Early Years
Assessment in the early years focusses specifically on the social, emotional and physical development of our students. Classroom teachers regularly send home feedback on the students’ learning and progress and parents receive formal reports at the end of each academic term. We hold three scheduled (formal) parent-teacher conferences throughout the year designed to give parents information about the student’s progress, development and needs but of course parents are encouraged to arrange meetings any time there is a need (informal). Towards the end of the school year we hold student-led conferences (student-parent-teacher) to celebrate the student’s learning journey through the year.
Assessing and reporting in the Primary Years
Assessing - CBR International Programme offers a rigorous academic program in order to prepare students who are planning to pursue a higher education in Portugal or around the world. We believe that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and acts as a foundation on which to base planning and practice. Assessment is essential to guide students, parents and teachers through the learning process. As well as assessing students’ effort and achievement in the different disciplines we assess behavior and work habits to enable us, as a learning and teaching community, to focus on the areas of personal development for students to thrive socially, emotionally and academically.
Reporting – classroom teachers regularly send home feedback on the students’ learning and progress and parents receive formal reports at the end of each academic term. We also hold three scheduled (formal) parent-teacher conferences throughout the year designed to give parents information about the student’s progress, development and needs but of course parents are encouraged to arrange meetings any time there is a need (informal). Towards the end of the school year we hold student-led conferences (student-parent) to celebrate the student’s learning journey through the year. This experience encourages students to become aware of their own personal responsibility for their education as well as providing an opportunity for them to develop their organizational and oral communication skills.
Assessing and reporting in the Middle School Programme
Assessing - Assessing and reporting in the Middle School offers a rigorous academic program in order to prepare students who are planning to pursue a higher education at colleges and universities in Portugal and around the world. We believe that assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning and acts as a foundation to base our understanding of student’s progress. Assessments happens regularly in each discipline and it prepares students for yearly achievements as well as for state examinations in the IIº and IIIº ciclo (lower and upper middle school years).
Reporting – parents receive formal reports at the end of each academic term after which they are invited to parent-teacher conferences designed to inform parents about the student’s progress, development and need. Parents are also encouraged to arrange meetings any time there is a need (informal). Assessing, reporting and examinations follow Portuguese national requirements and take place in Portuguese, exemptions are made for non-native speakers.
The full regulation concerning grading and evaluation at CBR is in the School Rules document.